Rolf Dröge
was born in 1965, is married and has three children. He studied in Münster, Erie (USA) and Rostock. He is a graduate in business administration and has been a tax advisor since 2003 and certified public accountant (Wirtschaftsprüfer) since 2005. His doctoral thesis was based on research on consumer behaviour. Before moving into auditing and tax advice in 2000, he was employed at a middle-sized engineering company and in an insolvency administrator office. There his duties involved business analysis and optimisation up to management in an executive position.
In addition to auditing annual and consolidated financial statements and giving tax advice, his professional focus is on:
- corporate analysis and internal cost accounting
- business valuations
- transaction consultancy (corporate acquisition and sales)
- business planning
- fiscal optimisation
Email: droege@doberenz.de
Doberenz und Partner
Auditors, Tax Advisors
Chilehaus A • Fischertwiete 2VI
20095 Hamburg
Fon: +49 (40) 460 640
Fax: +49 (40) 460 64 100
Email: info@doberenz.de
Overview of Our Services
Business Start-ups
Tax Advice
Fiduciary Services
Transaction Advisory Services